Sunday, November 28, 2010

Windy morning in Nebraska

I feel like one of my teenagers...slept in until 11:00 a.m.!  Well rested and great perspective though.  Gotta love it!  It is amazing how a Sunday of organization, catch up, and exercise can prepare you mentally for the work week.  I have a lot of ideas going through my head on what I want to accomplish, but I will stick to the basics...laundry, e-mail, light cleaning, back packs AND Christmas decorations.  Although my 17 year old professes to hating Christmas music, he is going to have to suck it up this afternoon as I will need his muscles for the boxes.  Also on my list will be list items I "owe" history stories for my mom, cook for my boys, card for my man, work on Christmas presents.  Ah, yes, it does feel just as good to give as to receive, even in small ways, doesn't it?

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