Monday, March 28, 2011

The Skunk Whisperer

My skunk identity began in the summer of 2008 at my Aunt Barbara's sun room on Lake Okoboji.  My sister-in-law, Robbie, and I were vacationing with our families.  We had stopped over for a coffee and a visit with Aunt Barbara at her summer home.  While Barbara brewed the coffee, Robbie and I noticed the selection of interesting books on her end table.  The one that particularly caught our eye was a book called "Medicine Cards" which included a stack of cards titled "The Discovery of Power through the Ways of Animals".  Hmmm…now that sounded interesting.  Barbara had always been a very spiritual and intuitive person.  She had strong beliefs that our greater being comes from forces from deep within; along with those outside our physical bodies.  We were curious as to what this book was all about.  It had to be a hit as it sat at the top of the stack and one that Barbara, our resident expert in such matters, surely referred to often.

Barbara came back with the coffee and we inquired.  "Well," Barbara told us, "you know we all have a totem of animals that guides us and represents our inner being.  They provide powerful insight and understanding to our unique purpose in life."  Wow!  That certainly was something I had never learned in Catholic school.  But there was more.  "Not only does each of us have a totem of animals that are unique to us and in touch with our being, but we also have a power animal.  This power animal is walking by our side at all times.  Once we know our power animal, a person typically realizes that this animal has been in our dreams or has been making appearances in our life when needed."  Now this was some cool stuff.  At this point Robbie and I were begging for an "animal reading" from Barbara.  Clearly she had done this before and knew what she was talking about.

So Robbie went first.  Barbara laid the cards out, face down, and asked Robbie to follow her heart and instinct in choosing the card that would be her power animal.  Robbie carefully selected a card...a muskrat.  Barbara read the description “Muskrats have many attributes such as inhabiting both land and water, able to adapt to surroundings, being relatively waterproof, and having a knack for going about their business undetected. With the Muskrat we are encouraged to tap into our own ingenuity and adaptability when dealing with our present circumstances - realizing that everything has a potential for positive outcome (no matter how bleak appearances may seem)."  Robbie and I were speechless.  This nailed Robbie's current life circumstance and mirrored her personality.  This was right before Robbie made a job change (after much deliberation) and was so in sync with Robbie's love for water and everything surrounding water (two years later, Russ and Robbie bought a lake house).  Unbelievable, we thought.  Robbie really was the muskrat.  Now I was very anxious to find out my power animal.  Seriously, how could I be 40 and have no clue that I was missing this part of my life?

Although the pressure and anticipation was building, I did my best to choose exactly the right card that was destined to be my animal being.  I flipped it over to reveal…a skunk.  Really…a skunk?  How could I be a skunk?  This can't be good.  Where is the eagle card?  But Barbara read the expression on my face and quickly interjected, "Sandy, this is a very commanding animal.  You are SO lucky to have this as your power animal".  Alright, I will wait to reserve judgment.  Barbara flips the book to the skunk page and begins to read, "The skunk brings us an awareness of self-respect. When we fully accept who we are and learn to express the essence of ourselves, without ego, we attract those who share our path and repel those who don't. Skunk medicine is about developing a good self-image.  The physical and spiritual qualities of one with the skunk power animal are self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, creative energy, paying attention to intuition and inner knowings".  Okay, now I am listening.  That really is impressive.  I like the skunk.  I want to be the skunk.  I am the skunk!  Yes!

Robbie (The Muskrat), Barbara (The Card Reader) and Sandy (The Skunk)

So Robbie and I enjoyed our coffee and conversation and then went back to our beach resort.  We were very excited about our new found animal identities.  We tried to explain our findings and resulting identities with the others at the beach, but we must not have communicated it very well.  They clearly thought it was all a joke.  But we knew better.  Robbie was the muskrat and I was the skunk.  And once I was keenly aware of my new power animal, I now noticed the skunk presence around me.  On more than one run I came nearly face to face with this smelly creature.  Among my running group I became known as the "skunk whisperer" and would use my innate connection with my brother animal to protect my comrades from "the spray".  Yes, there was awareness that my presence was an asset as my skunk friends would respect our spiritual connection. 

In February of 2010, I accompanied Garrett to California to bury his deceased grandfather.  After flying in to Newport Beach, Garrett and I were joined by his Aunt Linda and dad, Larry.  We were enjoying a drive along the beach with the fresh sea air and great company when I eyed a small run down store with a sign, "Tattoos and Body Piercing".  "Hey, Garrett", I teased, "You should get a tattoo!"  Garrett quickly responds, “No, Sandy, YOU should get a tattoo.”  Aunt Linda picks up on this comment and says, "Yes, Sandy, you should get a tattoo, but you need to first research the artist.  There are some very talented artists out there that can do great designs."  Although I was light-heartily teasing when I made the comment, I had noticed that Aunt Linda had a beautiful "bee" tattoo on her ear.  It was delicate and pretty.  It really was well done by an artist with talent and its uniqueness complimentary of Garrett’s attractive and outgoing aunt.  Linda goes on to ask me, "Sandy, what kind of tattoo would you get?"  I had never thought of such a thing before and my mind was blank.  "It really should be something that symbolizes you as a person", Linda tells me in encouragement.  That's it. "A skunk!" I say with a smile.  "I would get a skunk tattoo."  Larry laughs at this interchange and Linda compliments me on my interesting choice as we continue our drive.  I then share with them the story on how the skunk is my power animal.  After we got back to our hotel room, Garrett looks at me and laughs "Sandy, really?  A skunk tattoo?  You might want to rethink that choice as any placement near your behind could be misinterpreted".  Hmmm...very good point.

Larry, Garrett and Aunt Linda taking "a dip" on Newport Beach

So throughout the rest of our California trip, we share a few laughs on my skunk presence and the possibility of my getting a skunk tattoo.  Garrett’s dad and aunt were a pure joy to get to know during this trip together.  Larry is a straight-shootin’ country boy who grew up in small town Indiana.  He was the son of a barber and my kind of guy (noting my fondness for his son...the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree).  I instantly felt comfortable with him; as though I had known him forever.  Larry could have easily of been one of my dad’s buddies from my childhood and would have felt completely at home in Remsen.  Our small town ideals and upbringing gave us an instant connection on this short trip together.

I flew back from a sunny and relaxing California to a busy tax season in Nebraska.  The next two months flew with my annual paper shuffle and accounting craziness.  About two days before the tax deadline of April 15th, a package arrived on my desk.  It was bigger than a checkbook box, but not large enough to hold tax papers.  Hmmm...this was curious.  The label was handwritten.  I quickly perused the return label and saw "Brucker".  Immediately I thought Garrett had sent me a surprise.  I am a bit spoiled in this regard as I am the frequent recipient of cards, flowers and presents from Garrett.  But the handwriting wasn't familiar.  I looked closer and saw it read "Larry Brucker".  Wow, a package from Garrett's dad...what could this be?  I opened the box and carefully pulled out a furry bundle with a yellow sticky note attached that read "Sandy, you will want to hang this up a bit and it should be fine.  It's been in a drawer a while.  Larry"  I unfolded this treasure and quickly realized that what I had in my hands was a genuine skunk skin.  Yes, the real McCoy with little holes where the eyes once were and a little nose.  I laughed so hard that my co-workers started gathering in my office to see what all the commotion was about.  They were amazed by my gift.  While they were all sifting through paperwork, pencils and highlighters; I was the recipient of a skunk skin!  A never-before delivery at our office and I was quite proud...a gift like no other.  Why, Larry Brucker, you have my number.  And, yes, I am most appreciative of this treasured gift.  Because, you know...I am the skunk :)

My treasured creature!

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